So the other day I attended an AWESOME event with Megan Shepherd (author of Madman's Daughter). Unfortunately Kiera Cass (author of The Selection Trilogy), was also supposed to be present, but unfortunately was ill and thanks to the snow, caught in i think Virginia?
After I hid my copies of The Selection and The Elite in the bottom of my bag, realizing that I didn't follow the host's tweets to know she wasn't coming, and being somewhat embarrassed, I grabbed my self the sequel to The Madman's Daughter, Her Dark Curiosity.
I'd been needing it on my shelf and to make up for Kiera Cass' absent self, I spent the full price to buy the book, and got myself some pretty swag bookmarks and tea! THERE IS TEA FOR EACH OF THE BOOKS!!!!!!!

After delightfully acting like an idiot in front of the Bookmarks volunteers and spending $17 + tax on my new copy of Her Dark Curiosity (with deckled edges may i add!) I took my seat and looked for my notebook with all my questions in it. Guess what...IT WENT MISSING. Actually I just left it at home by accident but I re-wrote down as many questions I could remember which was only one and when they opened to the audience for questions I asked: 'How do you get over writer's block?' and you know what happened? She laughed. She laughed and told me that "when I (me) figure it out, call me (Megan). Yeah, stupid question I know. But she ended up giving real good advice. Like to at least get over it short term, don't write for about a week, don't read anything either, just watch TV or Movies or something. Do not engage in anything that has to do with literature. It stunts the gap that is slowly leaking writer's block. Leave it open.
Anyway, if you hadn't heard already, The Madman's Daughter has been approved for a movie deal. A script has been written and an actress has been signed on to play Juliette (Main Protagonist). All I can say is that she is known and I have a strong feeling it is going to be Hailee Steinfield. I don't know for sure, but I can just see it.
Second, I KNOW A SECRET THAT YOU PROBABLY DON'T KNOW!!!! I know what the 3rd book's title is! Na na na boo boo!
Okay, wow that was childish. But I do, and I can't tell, because I don't want to get Megan in trouble.
But trust me, it is a great name and it's based off Frankenstein.
I thought this would fit! ;-)
So here are some pics of the evening.
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