The Jewel is quite interesting book. I amazingly finished it in a day. In the beginning it is quite different but when it gets to the part where there is the auction it almost seems as if it's like The Capital from The Hunger Games. They all have their assistants to help them get ready and fit them into beautiful gowns and they aren't allowed to talk too much and it just seems very familiar and similar. Later on though it gets different again and I must say it is quite an interesting read. I'll be honest I didn't quite know what I was getting into when I began this book but I'm glad I did start reading it. When it comes to this whole forbidden romance thing Amy Ewing definitely takes her time. I'd gotten through half the book and there was still no speak of this secret love. This book is intriguing and is filled with Mystery and it makes you realize how much you really do not want to be living in that society where no one truly cares about your welfare, they only want you to have a child for them and then disappear. When it comes to characters I find Violet quite mousy. It's almost like she was trying to make her character strong, sarcastic, and courageous but in the beginning especially she comes across more scared (which is understandable with the circumstances), and easily swayed and bought when getting gifts. As for the Duchess I can't help but think of the queen of hearts from Alice in Wonderland. I don't know I just imagine this big ugly creature walking around with the scepter.
Characters like Annabel though make me smile because she can hold you and touch your heart without a word.
When it comes to Ash, he is quite different from what was expected. Without going into too much detail I can say that he is quite… Interesting. I feel like I am using interesting too much for this book, I apologize. But still he has some serious mood swings and figuring him out was more complex then I first imagined. He'll be angry and telling Violet to get out and then the next moment he kisses her and it's like what the heck?!
So he is a bit of a hormonal character.
As I got to the end of this book though my excitement kick started and things got very unpredictable. I personally feel the beginning was long and dragged out when it could have been a little shorter, but when everything came together in the end it was paced nicely. The relationship though I feel could have had more time to develop, as to not be so rushed feeling. The ending though of all the chapters was my favorite because of the killer cliffhanger! Like I swear I was not expecting this at all. This is just a reminder that I suggest absolutely not looking at the last chapter before reading through the book. Seriously. Don't.
All the scenes are filled with some kind of hair raising event and it's hard to put down; hence my reading it in a day.
I give this book a 4 out of 5 star review.
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